High Society – ‘Stray’

Released by London Rd Records, ‘Stray’ is a testament to High Society’s adeptness at capturing the tumultuous emotions of the times we live in, making it a poignant and powerful addition to the alternative rock landscape.

High Society’s latest release ‘Stray’ is an evocative journey into the depths of alternative rock, post-hardcore, and emo. Danny Snowdon and Cam Krueger, the duo behind the project, masterfully blend delicate melodies with formidable, distorted soundscapes, creating an intricate tapestry that is as melancholic as it is intense.

The track opens with a haunting, reverberating guitar line that sets a moody, introspective tone, reminiscent of the atmospheric intricacies of Deftones. As the song progresses, it evolves into a powerful barrage of sound, with crashing drums and aggressive riffs echoing the raw energy of Alexisonfire. The vocals, both fragile and fierce, convey a sense of anguish and vulnerability, drawing parallels to the emotional delivery found in the works of Basement and Alice In Chains. The production is crafted, allowing each element to shine through the dense layers of sound. The interplay between the quieter, melodic passages and the explosive, chaotic sections creates a dynamic tension that keeps the listener engaged throughout. This balance of light and dark is a testament to High Society’s ability to fuse tender melody with hardcore harmony seamlessly.

Jack Foz – ‘Time That’s Wasted’s Time That’s Gone’

Jack Foz’s latest single, ‘Time That’s Wasted’s Time That’s Gone’, is a vibrant addition to the indie rock scene. Known for his dynamic approach, Foz fuses thought-provoking lyrics with an infectious, high-energy sound; The song kicks off with jangly guitars and a propulsive drumbeat that immediately sets a lively tone, echoing the spirit of indie rock heavyweights like Sam Fender and The Strokes.

The production by Louis Takooree of Bleach Lab is polished yet retains a raw, authentic feel, characteristic of Foz’s earlier work. The track’s upbeat tempo and major chords might initially suggest a carefree anthem, but a closer listen reveals a poignant undercurrent. Lyrically, Foz channels a Springsteen-esque introspection, grappling with the existential anxiety of time slipping away, making the song resonate deeply despite its buoyant exterior. Vocally, Foz delivers with a passion that is both palpable and relatable, capturing the essence of the ‘quarter-life crisis’. The chorus is anthemic, begging to be belted out during long summer drives with the windows down. The layers of sound, from the shimmering guitars to the driving rhythm section, create a rich tapestry that makes ‘Time That’s Wasted’s Time That’s Gone’ a must-add to any indie lover’s playlist. This track not only showcases Foz’s growth as an artist but also cements his place as a rising star in the indie music landscape.

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