Review: Drug Hunt – ‘Jungle’

Drug Hunt’s ‘Jungle’ is an exhilarating foray into the wild, where psychedelic rock collides with garage rock’s raw energy

From the first note, the track grips you with its frenetic pace, weaving a dense melody of fuzzed-out riffs and extended delays that evoke a sense of chaos and adventure. The song’s relentless drive is reminiscent of The Butthole Surfers during their ElectriclarryLand era, yet it carves out its own niche with a distinctive blend of influences.

Drawing from the heavy riffs of Metz and the psychedelic undertones of Sleep, ‘Jungle’ propels forward with an unstoppable momentum. The bass lines throb with a primal intensity, while the guitars screech and wail, creating a soundscape that is both disorienting and captivating. The drumming is precise yet wild, grounding the track in a rhythmic pulse that mirrors the song’s thematic exploration of mankind’s relentless conquest over nature.

The vocals, layered with a raw, almost anarchic energy, convey a sense of urgency and foreboding. Lines like “Into the heart of darkness/I steer my boat upstream” are delivered with a conviction that heightens the track’s epic quality. The song’s conclusion, a melodic-laden descent into a dreamlike state, offers a stark contrast to its earlier aggression, leaving the listener in a state of reflective euphoria.

‘Jungle’ is a testament to Drug Hunt’s ability to blend genres seamlessly, creating a sound that is both nostalgic and refreshingly innovative. It’s a thrilling ride from start to finish, capturing the essence of psychedelic rock while pushing its boundaries into new, uncharted territories.


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