Earth Groans – ‘Chasm’

Earth Groans’ latest single ‘Chasm’ from their EP ‘Tongue Tied’ is a searing venture into the depths of hardcore punk, laced with elements of melodic hardcore and metalcore; Released by Earth Groans Music, the track encapsulates a raw and aggressive energy that mirrors the turbulent trials that shape a person, akin to a canyon weathered by a relentless river.

The song opens with an unrelenting barrage of riffs, instantly plunging the listener into a landscape of sonic chaos. The precision of the metallic guitar work juxtaposes sharply with the frenetic pace of the drums, crafting an atmosphere that is both intense and meticulously controlled. Jeremy Schaeffer’s vocals cut through this maelstrom with a visceral ferocity, conveying a palpable sense of anguish and resilience.

‘Chasm’ thrives on its dynamic contrasts; the seamless integration of melody within its hardcore framework offers a momentary reprieve before plunging back into its abrasive core. The production is notably crisp, allowing each instrument to carve out its own space in the mix, ensuring the track retains its clarity despite its aggressive nature. For fans of Boundaries, Great American Ghost, and Knocked Loose, ‘Chasm’ stands as a testament to Earth Groans’ ability to refine and elevate their sound. It’s a cathartic anthem that doesn’t just demand attention—it seizes it.

Cross Dog – ‘Jane Roe’

Cross Dog’s latest release, ‘Jane Roe’, from their forthcoming LP, is a fierce punk anthem that defies the constraints of their trio setup. Hailing from Peterborough, Ontario, this band revels in a cacophony of bass-driven soundscapes that are both thunderous and compelling.

‘Jane Roe’ opens with a guttural bassline from Mark Rand that sets the stage for a relentless aural assault. The absence of a guitarist is a daring choice, yet it amplifies their raw energy, allowing the bass and drums to create a dense, layered foundation. Mikey Reid’s drumming is ferocious, punctuating each verse with relentless precision and intensity.

Tracy A’s vocals are a highlight, delivering powerful, emotionally charged lyrics with an urgency that commands attention. Her voice oscillates between gritty, rebellious shouts and poignant, melodic moments, embodying the song’s thematic focus on reproductive rights and personal autonomy. “I wrote this song as someone who has been saved by this choice; as someone who has witnessed what happens to unwanted or underserved children in our society; as someone who believes that forced birth is morally wrong,” says Tracy A. Cross Dog’s ‘Jane Roe’ is a testament to the potency of minimalism in punk music, proving that a guitar is unnecessary when the bass and drums are wielded with such visceral impact. This track is not just heard; it is felt, resonating deeply with its bold, unfiltered sound and message.


‘TMS’ is a masterclass in balancing aggression with melody, offering an immersive listening experience that is as thought-provoking as it is intense. VIDA’s return from hiatus is marked by this explosive release, reaffirming their place in the punk and post-hardcore scene with a sound that is both familiar and refreshingly innovative.

VIDA’s latest track, ‘TMS’, is a visceral journey through the chaotic landscape of post-punk and hardcore punk. The song is an electrifying blend of aggressive energy and moody undercurrents, reminiscent of bands like The Bronx, Gallows, and Refused. From the opening dissonant guitar riffs, the track plunges listeners into a whirlwind of raw emotion and unbridled intensity. The guitar work is a standout, delivering jagged, discordant chords that clash and meld in a frenetic dance, perfectly capturing the sense of frustration and anger that the song conveys. The rhythm section drives the track forward with relentless force; the bass and drums interlock in a powerful, unyielding groove that propels the song’s frenetic pace. The vocals add another layer of complexity, oscillating between melodic crooning and guttural wails, creating a dynamic and unpredictable sound. The frontman’s delivery is both haunting and exhilarating, providing a cathartic release that mirrors the song’s themes of disillusionment and resistance.

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