Review: Trophy Wife – ‘Showpony’

Riding the waves of alt-pop with a refreshing blend of energy and sophistication

As Trophy Wife’s sophomore EP, ‘Showpony’ showcases the artist’s evolution, weaving together influences from 70s and 90s rock with a contemporary indie rock sensibility.

Trophy Wife masterfully crafts guitar hooks that shimmer and soar, complemented by intricate instrumental interplay that keeps the listener engaged throughout. Drawing inspiration from the likes of Donald Fagen, Carole King, and Joni Mitchell, Trophy Wife demonstrates a keen understanding of songwriting nuance.

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Each part of ‘Showpony’ is a testament to the artist’s commitment to metacognitive songcraft, blending jangle and drive with moments of softness and whimsy. Trophy Wife navigates themes of the wild versus the domesticated, the public versus the private, and complex queer love and loss with a deft touch. The EP’s sonic palette reflects this complexity, with Trophy Wife seamlessly integrating rock and grunge elements while maintaining her signature elevated sound.

‘Showpony’ is a triumph for Trophy Wife, showcasing her growth as an artist while staying true to her musical roots; With its infectious energy and thematic richness, ‘Showpony’ is sure to captivate audiences and solidify Trophy Wife’s place as a rising star in the alt-pop scene.


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